One of the most complex systems responsible for governing the human body is the nervous system. Nervous system is the network of cells called neurons that transmits signals to all parts of the body.

It regulates the interaction between the external world and the internal system as well as ordinates between the trillions of cells within body.
However, Vata is considered to be of prime importance with regard to the nervous system.
Vata represents movement and it is identified with the Pranavayu (one among the 5 types Vata, resides in the head and governs

  • Reasoning
  • Learning
  • Creativity
  • Reception of information
  • Interpretation of and reaction to signals
  • Consciousness

One of the prime indications if its imbalance in sensitive people is Anxiety.

Vata needs a balance between stability and movement to be effective.

According to Ayurveda. “__________________________”

(ie) the essentials that make up the human are doshas (body humors) dhatu (tissues) and mala (waste)

All Ayurvedic treatments aim at restoring and stabilizing the balance and equilibrium of tridoshas.

Its imbalance may also lead to

  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Vertigo
  • Anxiety /Depressive disorders
  • Stroke
  • MND (Motor Neuron Disease)
  • Epilepsy
  • Low back pain


Regular practice of Dhanta dhavana, mukha prakshalana, gandosha, vyayama Abyanga, Nasya, Dhoomapana, Nidra, etc., are the treatments that are very effective in treating nervous system disorders.
Panchakarma also plays an important role in restoring health and vitality. Shirodhara, Shiropichu. Nasyam, Tarpanam are highly useful in treating the above conditions.
This combined with Yoga and meditation helps to restore peace and calm to the mind and body.

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